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Turn Off Copilot
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Microsoft Copilot is an AI assistant that helps sales teams be more productive and efficient in their daily work. Copilot is turned on by default in all Sales apps that have lead and opportunity entities. However, if you are not ready or not planning to use Copilot yet, you can turn this feature off in Engage.


Turn off Copilot

You will need to be logged into Engage as a System Administrator.


1. Go to the App Selector at the top left of Engage

2. Select All Apps

3. Search for and select Sales Hub

4. Select Sales at the bottom left. Select App Settings.

5.. 5. Under General Settings, select Copilot

6. Select Manage Apps dropdown

7. Uncheck all the boxes especially for Salentica Apps and click Publish


See all steps below:

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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