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Home > CRM Platform - Microsoft > Microsoft Resources > Email - Add a new Entity for Set Regarding in Outlook
Email - Add a new Entity for Set Regarding in Outlook
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Occasionally, you might want to add a new Entity to Set Regarding on an email when you are logging them in Outlook. An example would be if you would like to be able to set an email regarding a Family, or if you add a custom Entity. You must be a System Administrator with the correct permissions to make these changes.



  1. Logon to Power Apps

  2. Ensure you select the correct environment by selecting Environments

  3. Select Apps>Dynamics 365 Apps for Outlook, then click Edit

  4. Select Add>Click Entities under Artifacts

  5. Select the entity that you want to add. Here, we're adding the Family entity. Also since you're here, ensure Activities is checked at the Entity level which is a requirement. This can be done by clicking the Edit button.

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