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Creating System Views
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Here's a video that will walk you through creating System Views in Engage.

Tips about System Views:

  • Only System Administrators can create System Views
  • Only create System Views if they are helpful for the majority of your firm. Otherwise, we recommend that you create a Personal View and share it with others who need access to that particular view.
  • System Views can be created for your main entities, like Relationships, Contacts, Leads, etc.
  • You can create Personal Views from System Views, but you cannot make a Personal View a System View without starting from scratch to build it.

Video Transcript

     In this video, we're going to discuss how to create a System View in Engage. If you haven't already, I recommend you take a look at the Personalized Views video, which will show you information about how to create a view. System views can only be created by System Administrators and please know, you can create a Personalized View from a System View, but you cannot create a System View from a Personalized View.

     Let's take a look at how to create this System View. To create the System View we're going to go to Settings Advanced Settings > Customizations Customize the System. You can create System Views in the classic experience, but we're going to go ahead to that new experience. In Power Apps we're going to go to Data > Entities. From there, and we're going to choose the entity we'd like to add the new System View to. I'm going to choose Relationships. Once you've chosen the current entity, we'll go to views and then add view. It will ask us to name our new view and this can be edited later on. So I'll click create, and here's where we get started. So it's going to start with your entity name and then you can add additional columns to the view. In my example, I'm going to actually take a look at those relationships that have an AUM over $250,000 and who their investment manager is and when they were last contacted. So I'm going to choose total market value, investment manager, and last touch date. Since this pulling from your CRM data, you can take a look at that view before you save it.

     I'm going to go ahead and actually add a filter to this as well. So I'm going to click edit filters, and I actually want to go ahead and filter down to active relationships. So I'm going to go to status equals active and click okay. This is going to edit our list to just the active relationships. I'm going to filter to those relationships that have a total market value of over $250,000. I'm going to go ahead and click edit filters and add a filter to that total market value column. I'm going to change it from equals to is greater than, and then I'm going to put the $250,000 number there. I'll click okay again, and that's going to actually limit the data.

     So one thing that you will want to realize as you're creating these System Views, you're only going to want to create System Views for something that everyone is going to look at. This list of Relationships of $250,000 and more, is it useful for everyone? I would suggest to go back and create that as a personal list and then share it with specific users. Again, you really only want to create these System Views if everyone in your firm can benefit from it. I'll go ahead and be more specific on my name of this particular view and click save.

     One difference between a System View and your own Personal Views is you do actually have to publish that System View when you're ready. So we'll go ahead and click publish, and I'll go back to my CRM refresh and you'll see your new System View right there.

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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