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Home > Engage Entity Configuration > Firm Wide Customizations on Engage > Solutions: Exporting from Sandbox and Importing to Production
Solutions: Exporting from Sandbox and Importing to Production
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You can manually export solutions using the steps in this article. We recommend that you create an unmanaged solution to use for exporting your customizations, and then export your customizations periodically so that you have a backup in case anything happens. You can't export managed solutions or the Default Solution.


Export from Power Apps

  1. Sign into Power Apps and select Solutions from the left navigation.

  2. In the list of solutions, select the unmanaged solution you want to export, and then select Export. Notice that you can't export managed solutions.

  3. The Before you export right pane appears. Choose from the following options, and then select Next:

    • Publish all changes. Notice that, when you export an unmanaged solution, only published components are exported. We recommend that you select Publish all changes to make sure all components are included in the exported solution.
    • Check for issues. Run the solution checker against the solution to detect performance and stability issues.
  4. The Export this solution right pane appears. Enter or select from the following options, and then select Export:

    • Version number: Power Apps automatically increments your solution version while displaying the current version. You can accept the default version or enter your own.
    • Export as: Select the package type Unmanaged

The export can take several minutes to complete. Once finished, the export .zip file is available in the download folder specified by your web browser.

Import the Solution

You can manually import solutions using the steps in this article. You must import only those solutions that you've obtained from a trusted source.


  • The create privilege is required to import a component. Although, the System Customizer security role has create privilege on most components that are commonly imported, by default it doesn't have create privilege on the Plug-In Assembly table. The System Administrator security role has this privilege.
  • When you import a managed solution, all component changes will be brought into the environment in a published state. However, when you import an unmanaged solution, the changes are imported in a draft state so you must publish them to make them active.
  • To implement healthy application lifecycle management (ALM) in your organization, consider using a source control system to store and collaborate on your solutions, and automate the solution import process. More information: ALM basics in the Power Platform ALM guide.

When you import an unmanaged solution:

  • You add all the components of that solution into your environment and can't delete the components by deleting the solution. Deleting the unmanaged solution deletes only the solution container.
  • That contains customized components, the existing customizations to the component will be overwritten after the unmanaged solution import. You can’t undo this.

To import a solution:

  1. Sign into Power Apps and select Solutions from the left navigation.

  2. On the command bar, select Import.

    Import solution.

  3. On the Import a solution page, select Browse to locate the compressed (.zip or .cab) file that contains the solution you want to import.

  4. Select Next.

  5. Information about the solution is displayed. By default, in the Advanced settings section, if SDK messages and flows exist in the solution, they will be imported. Clear the Enable SDK messages and flows included in the solution option if you want them to import in an inactive state.

  6. If your solution contains connection references, you’ll be prompted to select the connections you want. If a connection does not already exist, create a new one. Select Next.

  7. If your solution contains environment variables, you will be prompted to enter values. You will not see this screen if value(s) are already present in your solution or the target environment.

  8. If missing dependencies are detected in the target environment, a list of the dependencies is presented. In environments where the required package version is available for import in the target environment, a link to resolve the dependency is presented. Selecting the link takes you to the Power Platform admin center where you can install the application update. After the application update is completed, you can start the solution import again.

  9. Select Import.

Your solution imports in the background and may take a few moments.

If you have imported any changes that require publishing, you must publish customizations before they are available.

If the import isn’t successful, you will see a notification on the solutions page showing any errors or warnings that were captured. Select Download Log File to capture details about what caused the import to fail. The most common cause for an import to fail is that the solution did not contain some required components.

When you download the log file, you will find an XML file that you can open using Office Excel to view the contents.

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