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Home > Salentica Releases for Engage > Engage 2022 Releases > Salentica Engage Major Release 1 - 2022
Salentica Engage Major Release 1 - 2022
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Check out the new features that are available in Salentica Engage! Our Product Team has worked hard to bring these great new tools and objects into your CRM.

Due Diligence

New Entities

Engage Wealth Management Enhancements

Engage Asset Management Enhancements

Due Diligence

Through the process of expanding your business and your offerings to clients, due diligence becomes a larger part of the everyday work of a firm. The new Due Diligence module centralizes this effort for you, our clients. This will help streamline your effort to collect your emails, surveys, and meeting notes that are required for your due diligence processes. Using the new Due Diligence tools, you can memorialize your process, protocols, and notes, all in one place, creating greater collaboration in the due diligence process. We have related the Due Diligence entity to:

Wealth Management Asset Management
Investment Manager Distribution Channel
Company Company
Opportunity Opportunity


 Learn more in this article!

New Entities


   As part of the Marketing Tools available on Engage, Sponsorship allows you to track sponsors for your campaigns, helping you keep track of which events they have sponsored, what their monetary contributions have been, and other helpful fields.  Learn more in this article!

Investment Managers

   Do you use Investment Managers for your portfolio management? You can now track the Investment Managers with whom you do business, including all Due Diligence efforts you've expended on behalf of your clients.  Learn more in this article!

Investment Vehicles

   Track the Investment Vehicles you offer to your clients, including their investment terms, fees, investment process, etc. Quickly see a list of all your approved Investment Vehicles and important columns that help you decide if you'll offer that vehicle to your clients.  Learn more in this article!

Asset Allocation

Although not surfaced on the sitemap, asset allocation serves as a junction object. The model and the investment vehicle are referenced here in order to create a way to surface the union for reference when looking for what vehicles may fit a model. Good for memorializing or earmarking, when vehicles were added to a model portfolio with a date and when they're removed from a model portfolio with the date because that kind of stuff happens. 


   Models can now be tracked in your CRM, and assigned to Investment Vehicles or Portfolios. They consist of a Model Name, code, and target weights on your allocation of Alternatives, Cash, Equity, Fixed, and Other classifications.  

Engage Wealth Management Enhancements

Based on your feedback, our Product team added fantastic enhancements to the Engage Platform. Here are some of the updates!

Site Map Updates

   Since we are adding new Tables in this release, it felt like the time to update our default Site Map to better represent the features available. The "Engage Basics" article talks more about the Site Map. Learn More Here!

Tax Filing - Tax Status Picklist Change

   Finally, we have added more options to the Tax Filing - Filing Status column. Available now are: Default: N/A, Single, Head of Household, Married Filing Jointly, Married Filing Separately, Qualifying Widow(er) with Dependent Child, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships,  Corporations, S Corporations, Limited Liability Company (LLC). Of course, your System Administrator can also adjust the available options too. Learn more about Tax Filing in this article!

Category Tags on Important Information

   We made a small, but significant change to Important Information; you can now add a Category Tag to Important Information on all tables.

New Dashboards

   We have added two new Dashboards with the release: Due Diligence Hub and Data Broker

Let's dive a little deeper into the enhancements to the Engage Wealth Management product in this most recent release.

Site Map Updates

   Since we are adding new Tables in this release, it felt like the time to update our default Site Map to better represent the features available. 

  1. Contacts is now People
  2. Companies is now under People
  3. Added a new group - Investment Management - with new tables: Investment Managers, Investment Vehicles, and Models
  4. Sponsorship has been added to Marketing

Tax Filing - Tax Status Picklist Change

   Finally, we have added more options to the Tax Filing - Filing Status column. Available now are: Default: N/A, Single, Head of Household, Married Filing Jointly, Married Filing Separately, Qualifying Widow(er) with Dependent Child, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships,  Corporations, S Corporations, Limited Liability Company (LLC). Of course, your System Administrator can also adjust the available options too. Learn more about Tax Filing in this article!

Category Tags on Important Information

   We made a small, but significant change to Important Information; you can now add a Category Tag to Important Information on all tables.

This is the Important Information details on a Relationship, and it can be found on other tables, like Contact, as well.

Assign a Category Tag to Important Information

As an Administrator, you can create a list of default Category Tags for your users, so they have a list to choose from. This list can be created in Engage Settings > Additional Control Tables > # Manage Tags. A new Category Tag can be created simply by clicking +New.

New Dashboards

   We have added two new Dashboards with the release: Due Diligence Hub and Data Broker

Due Diligence Hub

  Since each Due Diligence row is associated with another row, to visualize all your Due Diligence records, we have created a Dashboard so you can see all your Due Diligence in one place. You can see all your Due Diligence records by status, allowing quick access to review all active, in progress, completed, and canceled processes. 


Data Broker

We have created a new Dashboard to help you monitor your Data Broker connection from your Portfolio Management System into Engage. This potentially can help you identify discrepancies between the two systems. Some of the statistics we have included are:

# of Financial Accounts Created Today

# of Financial Accounts were valuation date < 24 hrs

# of Financial Accounts without an ExternalID

# of Portfolios Created Today

# of Portfolios were valuation date < 24 hrs

# of Portfolios without an ExternalID

# of Relationships Created Today

# of Relationships were valuation date < 24 hrs

# of Relationships without an ExternalID

Engage Asset Management Enhancements

Our updates include enhancements to our Asset Management product. Here's a quick outline of those enhancements.

Due Diligence

   We have added Due Diligence to Distribution Channel, Company, and Opportunity. This will act as a hub for centralizing activities (such as emails, meeting notes, phone calls, etc.), improving collaboration, and increasing operational efficiency - giving you more control over your data

Pipeline Management

   We know that Sales isn't limited to Wealth Managers, so we have incorporated Pipeline Management, including Leads and Opportunities in the Asset Management product. This will allow you to track your Leads and Opportunities as they are associated with your institutional relationships and distribution channels and teams. 

Rep Codes

   You can now add multiple Rep Codes to Contacts, as well as associate them with a Distribution Channel. 

Learn more details about all these enhancements in this article!

  1. Submit a ticket to Support
  2. Use this article to help your firm upgrade to Major Release 1 - 2022

Engage Release Video

Version, Release Date April 1, 2022

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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