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Home > Salentica Engage Support & FAQs > Engage Service Tickets
Engage Service Tickets
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Accessing your Account

We are excited to offer our service portal for easy access to your Support Team and references to help you get the most out of your CRM. Your Support Team will initiate your first access to the service portal. We provide the URL to the service site and a username. The Username/Email we will set you up with is your corporate email address. You will select a password. 

If you have not received credentials, please contact your System Administrator. 

Please be assured that your account is secure, with a high level of encryption, protecting your login credentials and service cases.

Submit a New Ticket

As a System Administrator, you will be able to submit service tickets on behalf of your firm. Only designated service contacts can submit tickets. Below are the steps to submit a ticket and best practices for ticket submission.

  1. Sign in to your service portal
  2. Click Submit Ticket
  3. Fill in the Required fields
    • Required: Category - Select the category that best fits with your ticket request.
    • Required: Priority - Select the priority of the ticket.
    • Required: Sub-category - Select the sub-category of the ticket. Based on the initial category selected, you must complete the related fields.
    • Required: Subject – Enter a Subject for the ticket. The subject will be available on your ticket views, so we suggest you use a meaningful description that can be referenced in the future.
      • For example, the subject of ‘Support Ticket’ will not be useful later, but a more descriptive subject like Update Relationship Field on Accounts page will be easier to reference later.
      • Using the Subject field, the service site will suggest related Help Center articles that are associated with the keywords in your subject. 
    • Required: Message – Enter the details of the ticket.  Add as detailed a description of the issue as possible in the message body, as this will be the information your Support Team will use to assist you with your request. Reference the Best Practices below to help you fill out the ticket.
  4. Click Submit to add this service ticket.
  5. Once submitted, you will see the new ticket in your account/portal.

Best Practices for Submitting Service Tickets

To ensure Salentica’s Support Team responds to, and resolves, your service tickets quickly and efficiently, we provide the following recommendations for your ticket submissions:

Determining Priority

Our Support Department uses the following guidelines when determining the priority of an issue.  Refer to this reference chart when setting the priority of a new ticket:

Define the Scope of the Problem

In the body of your message, include a detailed description of the question or issue. Please only enter one question or issue per ticket. This will facilitate streamlined tracking of questions and responses.

Within the ticket message, include as much information as possible about the question or issue. Please include:

  • What issue are you having
  • Where on the site the issue is happening
  • When or how frequently does the issue occur
  • Who does the issue affect (one user or more multiple users)

Detailed Steps to Reproduce

In the body of your message, also include the steps taken that produced the issue. Your Salentica Support Team will use these steps to try to reproduce the issue, to help troubleshoot your concerns.

Providing Additional Information

You have the opportunity to Attach Files to your tickets. The additional information will help in the investigation and resolution of issues.

Examples include images, error screenshots, event logs, traces, and other research details.

View Service Tickets

When you sign into your service portal, you can view just the Tickets you have created.

Note: Only users who have email addresses and users associated with the Engage service system will receive updates on tickets. You can enter any email address in the CC field, but if the email address is not in our service system, no email updates are sent.

If you do not automatically land on your Tickets page, you can choose Tickets on the menu.

Viewing Ticket Lists

When you view your tickets, you will see options to view Pending, All, New, In Progress, Closed, and No Response tickets. Additional sorting and filtering options are also available.

Ticket List Quick View

When you view your Ticket list, you will see a quick view of your tickets.

  1. Ticket ID
  2. Status of Ticket
  3. Subject of Ticket
  4. Description – brief view of the description on the ticket
  5. Reply – click the arrow to reply to the ticket
  6. Raised By – name of contact who opened the ticket
  7. Category of Ticket
  8. Priority of Ticket
    • Gray Circle: Last responded by client (on Salentica’s plate)
    • Red Circle: Awaiting client response (on client’s plate)

Filter Ticket List

As the list of service tickets expands, you may find the need to perform additional actions such as filtering on ticket statuses to see which tickets are new, open, or closed.  You may also want to search against keywords on existing tickets to review solutions to resolved tickets.

  1. Filter by Ticket Status
  2. Search Tickets by keywords
  3. Sort by predefined criteria
    1. Unresponded by agent
    2. Last Updated – recent to oldest
    3. Last Updated – oldest to recent
    4. Priority – lowest to highest
    5. Priority – highest to lowest
    6. Ticket ID – ascending
    7. Ticket ID – descending
  4. Sort by Categories
  5. Filter by page (for multiple pages of tickets)

Managing Tickets

You can update your service tickets via email or your service portal.

Updating Tickets Using Email

When Salentica’s Support Team replies through the service portal, you (and all other recipients copied on the ticket) receive an email reply that will look similar to the image below.  This update is also tracked on your service ticket on

To update your service case, reply to the email, which will create a response on the open ticket.  You can also include new attachments (images, documents, other files) and additional recipients in your reply and the details will be linked to your service case.

Note: To ensure proper tracking of tickets your account, always include the Ticket ID in the reply.  It is best practice to reply only to the e-mails sent from the service portal.

Updating Tickets Using the Service Portal

You can also add a new response to your service ticket through the service portal. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Click the reply arrow to Add Response
  2. Click the Subject to open the ticket and view the entire ticket, and Add Response


Changing your password







To change your password:




  1. Sign into your service portal with the provided Username and Password
  2. Click My Settings near your email address in the top right of the page
  3. Scroll down to Change Password
  4. Enter the current password
  5. Enter your new password and confirm the password update
  6. Click Change Password
  7. This will be your new password for the Salentica service site





Forgot your password?


You can easily reset your password by clicking the Forgot Password link on the login screen and following the prompts. 








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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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