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Home > Integrations for Engage > Salentica Data Broker FAQs > Register the Salentica Data Broker App
Register the Salentica Data Broker App
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Salentica Data Broker is an Azure App that facilitates two functions:

  1. It allows you to connect third-party systems to your CRM.
  2. It contains an Age Calculation Service that calculates contacts' ages as well as how many days until their next birthday

The Salentica DataBroker/Skyline App must be registered in your environment by a Global Admin user. This step must be completed to use Data Broker with Engage.

There are three ways to register the App documented below. Please choose and follow the steps for one of these methods. Only one of the three methods is required, not all three.

Option 1: Register Salentica Data Broker Within Your Dynamics App

  1. Using Chrome, log into your CRM environment using your Global Admin account.
  2. Click on the Settings Icon and select Advanced Settings

  3. Click the Settings dropdown arrow and select Solutions.

  4. Select the SalenticaSkyline Solution. 

  5. Select Always Allow on the Chrome Pop-up blocker. Select the website URL blocked in the pop-up window as shown.

  6. Consent on behalf of the firm by logging in with your global admin account.

Option 2: Register Via Microsoft Authentication

1. Using a Global Admin account, click on 

Global Admin credentials are required in order to register. If you do not have global admin credentials, consent on behalf of your organization will not appear.

2. Once authentication is complete, select Consent on behalf of the organization. This ensures all users within the organization can access the application. 

3. Click Accept.

Option 3: Register via Azure Active Directory

1. Log in to your Azure Directory using global admin credentials

2. Select Enterprise Applications, then select SalenticaDataBroker.

3. Select Permissions.

4. Click Grant admin consent for CCA.

Once the Data Broker App has been registered, please notify your implementation manager or project consultant. 

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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