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Editing Columns on Views
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While using Salentica Engage, System Views and Personal Views are a great way to sort and filter information on an Entity, like Relationships, Accounts, or Contacts. To get started with System and Personal Views, check out this article.  


Using Column Options within a view, you can quickly add, remove, or rearrange columns to see specific data on a view. To do this, select the Column Options icon in the top right of the window, just to the left of the Advanced Filter icon. From here, you can customize any view using a sleek user interface.  



Here you will see the columns that already exist on the Personal or System view. From there, you can rearrange or remove existing columns, as well as add new ones. 


Rearrange existing columns 

Drag and drop existing columns to rearrange their order on a view. 


Remove existing columns 

  1. Select the More Commands option next to a column name.
  2. Select Remove.


Add additional columns

  1. Select + Add Columns. You can add columns for any field on the Entity, as well as fields on related Entities. 
  2. Use the search box or scroll to select the column to add. 
  3. Select the column(s) to add. 
  4. Select Close. Your new column(s) will appear at the bottom of your columns list. 



Once you’ve finished adjusting the columns, hit Apply in the bottom right. Your column changes are now applied! You can tell that you have adjusted the System or Personal View filters because there is now an asterisk next to the view’s name. 


Next Steps:

  • Revert your changes: If the results weren’t what you intended, select the Column Options icon again. You'll now see a Reset to Default option to the right of + Add Columns. Selecting this removes any changes you've made to the columns on this view. 

  • Save this view: If you want to save and easily return to this new view, select the dropdown arrow next to the list name and select Save as New View, then rename the view and select Save. Now, whenever you navigate back to the Views for this entity, you’ll see the new view in the list of My Views.

Personal Views will show in the dropdown list with a person icon next to them, while system views do not. 


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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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