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Home > Engage Entity Configuration > Engage Features > Setting Up InTouch, Engage's Client Interaction Service Module
Setting Up InTouch, Engage's Client Interaction Service Module
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Defining Service Levels 

Service Level is an entity in Engage Settings that allows you to create any number of Service Levels for Relationships and Opportunities. There are no default Service Levels, since we know each firm has specific ideas around their client service. As an Admin, you can create these Service Levels in Engage Settings, found at the bottom left corner of your screen. Once you navigate to the Engage Settings area, you will see two Service Level options in the Site Map: InTouch Service Level (Relationship) and InTouch Service Level (Opportunity)

  • InTouch Service Level (Relationship): Used to define Relationship service levels.
  • InTouch Service Level (Opportunity): Used to define Opportunity service levels.


1. Select the InTouch Service Level (Relationship) entity. 

2. Click +New to create a new Service Level.

3. Enter a Name for your Intouch Service Level (Relationship).

4. Choose an Email Frequency, Conversation Frequency, and Review Frequency (Relationship Service Levels only). These are Date fields and will be used to calculate your Next Touch Fields on the Relationship. 

5. Conversation Resets Email Cycle: Yes/No Toggle - Do you want your Last Conversation to include email communications? 

6. Client Review Meeting Counts as Conversation: Yes/No Toggle - Do you want your Last Conversation to update with Client Review Meetings also? (Relationship Service Levels only)

7. Click Save.

Customizing Activity Types for Email, Conversation, and Review

If you decide to modify the activity names for the standard activity types or add more activity types, the InTouch Activity Type list should be used to define which activity type name belongs to which InTouch type. By default, this table will not be configured in Engage. 


Default Activity Triggers


Last Contact On

By default, the Last Contacted On field is triggered off of the following activities being marked as complete: Email, Phone Call, Meeting Note, Client Review Meeting.


Last Email

By default, the Last Email field will update when an Email activity is marked as complete. If the Service Level has Conversation Resets Email Cycle set to Yes, the Last Email field will be updated with the Last Conversation date. 


Last Conversation

By default, the Last Conversation field will update when a Phone Call or Meeting Note activity is marked as completed. If the Service Level has Client Review Meeting Counts as Conversation set to Yes, the Last Conversation field will be updated with the Last Client Review date. 


Last Review

By default, the Last Review field will update when a Client Review Meeting activity is marked as complete. 


Adding New Activity Types

1. Select the InTouch Activity Type entity.

2. Click +New.

3. Enter an Activity Name

4. Assign an InTouch Type. This will define what fields are updated when the activity is completed. 

5. Add the new activity types(s), as well as all existing activity types (Email, Phone Call, Meeting Note, Client Review Meeting, etc.) to the InTouch Activity Type list. 


Note: The InTouch Activity Type control table only needs to be configured if the standard activity types are modified or new activity types are created. 

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