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Workflow Manager Overview
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   Let's take a look at the default workflows that are offered in your Salentica Engage package so we can see what's available when building workflows. Our default workflows are Account Opening - Standard, Client Onboarding - Standard, Deposit - Standard, Risk Tolerance Update, and Withdrawal - Standard.

   In this example, we're going to take a look at the Account Opening - Standard workflow. It does have some adjustments from the default, but we want to be able to show you an example of the many features that are available within workflow templates.

   First off navigation. We're going to go down to the bottom left corner here, where it says Engage and change your area from Engage to Engage Settings. You do have to be a System Administrator or have the correct Security Roles available to access this setup page and the settings themselves. Next, we're going to go under workflow manager settings to workflow templates. As you can see here, we have our five standard templates as well as one additional demonstration address change for our sales environment.

   I'm going to go ahead and open the account opening standard workflow template. Let's take a look at what's here on the general tab. You have the name of your workflow template, and this should be as unique as possible. Next we have workflow types allow you to categorize what type of workflow this is. And in this example, we've categorized it as an account opening type. You can also add subtypes if you'd like. So if you have different workflows for different subtypes, you can always create those as well. Next, what you see here is estimated days until completion. It's a numerical value that allows you to define how long the workflow should take to complete and it is a required field.  As with everywhere else in Engage, if you see the red asterisk, it does mean that that field is required to be filled out before you can save the information.

   Next we have description, which is optional. It allows you to add any details that are related to the workflow template that users should be made aware of. For example, if you have common instructions that you want to see on every account opening workflow, you can add these here. Next, you'll see the require field of frequency. The options that you have are one time every X days, every X weeks, every X month. This allows you to define the interval on how often you want this workflow to happen. Since this is an account opening workflow these are just going to be one-time events. Perhaps if you have a minimum required distribution that the client's taking monthly to get the full distribution amount, you could have it set to every one month. I'm going to go ahead and flip this back to one time, because this is an account opening workflow.

   The next thing you see here is a toggle to copy existing workflows. If you have a workflow that you've already created with all the needed underlying steps and data associated from a template, instead of recreating those, you can just go ahead and choose to copy those. It will ask you what template you want to copy from so that you don't have to start from scratch.

    Next, let's take a look at steps. Steps define the tasks that should be assigned out in a workflow. It determines which order they should be assigned and to whom they should be assigned. Also, it's going to include the wording of the task and when that task is going to be done. We have two types of steps: tasks, or approvals. From there, sometimes that's brand new, that you're able to create, is checklists within tasks. This is so that you can condense things that need to be done and not have to create a task for everything.

   We'll take a look at an example of just simple tasks approvals and then checklists within this particular workflow. First, let's take a look at the step as a whole. I'm going to open one that already exists, which in this case is the complete new account open forum. First thing we have here is order, which determines where in the workflow, this task should be created. In general, tasks will not be created until the previous tasks have been completed, but it is possible to have multiple steps that are created at the same time, or allow parallel tasks to be created. We'll look at that in further detail in a little bit. The next fields, we have is name, which is a high level description of the step. It is a required field. Next we have step type. This is where you could choose whether you want it to be just a general task or an approval. Due an X business days: this allows you to put a numerical value to determine the due date for that task or the approval.    Checklists allow you to define specific items that must be completed for a given task. It helps you check off items that have been completed and you can revisit a task to see what else needs to be done. We'll take a look at this in depth in just a moment.

   Next, you can see, start next step immediately yes or no. If set to yes, the next task or approval in line will be created. There's no waiting until this task is complete for the next one to be created. This option is best used when you don't want a task to be a dependency for any other subsequent tasks. Now let's take a look at the task details. So we have a subject it's a headline about this particular task. Next, you have the ability to categorize as a type of task. Next is description, so give this particular task a description.

   Assignee is to whom the task will be assigned. The assignee options we have are a specific user, a specific team, or you can assign this particular task to our role within a relationship. That means that this task for the complete new account opening form will always go to the relationship manager that's associated with the relationship that you open the workflow for. If you choose a specific user or a specific team, you'll see a new field open up where you actually have to use a lookup field for that user or team. We recommend that you use a relationship team role for the assignments, so that if there is a change to the team based on attrition or based on adjustments to your structure, you don't have to go in and change all of your workflows. It will dynamically update to just simply go to the correct client service associate for this task. And then finally we have duration. This is the expected duration of the task or overall time it's expected to take. This is used to help calculate time and expense.

    So let's go back and look specifically at an approval task. We have one here, it's review forms and submit for internal approval. This step sends the approval tasks to the relationship manager based on the assignee, and then they have to approve or reject that task. If they approve the task, it will be marked as complete and the workflow will move on to the next step. If the relationship manager rejects the task, you can actually create your rejection steps below here.

   In this example, a new step would automatically be created to send a new task that says the new account form was rejected back to the client service associate to take a look at it. Once the new account form rejection step is marked complete. A new approval record will be created. We consider this particular type of projection step, a perform rejection steps for reapproval. So it'll process the underlying rejection steps or the tasks, and then create a new approval record. So when the approvals are rejected, the Upon Rejection field is taken into consideration.

   Here are the three options that we have available for our Upon Rejection. We have cancel workflow, which means the entire workflow will be canceled and any subsequent steps will be ignored. We have performed rejection steps for reapproval, which means that the workflow will process the underlying rejection steps or tasks and then once that is completed, a new approval record will be created. Or we have performed rejection steps and cancel workflow. The workflow will process the underlying rejection steps or tasks. Once that's completed, any subsequent steps will be ignored and the overall workflow will be canceled. Be aware, if you choose to either cancel workflow or perform rejection steps and cancel a workflow option, that initial workflow will be canceled. So you'll need to open a brand new workflow launcher and start from the beginning to complete this request.

    Next we'll look a little deeper into checklists on my tasks for submit forms to a custodian. I have chosen to add a checklist that I've named custodial forms. The simple checklist ensures that everything that's involved with submitting these forms are complete before the task is closed out. This is going to allow for timestamping or accounting of the underlying task oversight and even process adherence.

   So to see this in action, I have an open workflow for a Roth contribution to the Bell Relationship and on my submit forms to custodian tasks on the right hand side, you'll see my checklist. I have new account paperwork, copy of a driver's license. I have client contact and CRM copy of driver's license for distribution, with a custodian and client's signature form. Here you can see when they're completed, they're timestamped and marked with the user who checked them complete. Completing the checklist does not automatically complete the underlying tasks. You still need to mark the entire task as complete once you've checked off everything in your checklist. This will allow you to add any additional notes or information to your timeline before marking the actual task as complete.

   I personally recommend that you create the checklist prior to creating the step, but you can always create the new checklist directly from here. The reason I recommend that you create the new checklist first, so that you don't get distracted in where you are in the process of creating your workflow. Checklist are pretty basic in their setup. You have the checklist name, which is a high level of that checklist. You have the title of the checklist that's displayed on the task. So you can think of this as a backend name, and this is going to be actually, what's displayed to your users. I also have descriptions. So if you need to describe what this particular checklist type is, you can do so here. And then down below you have items, so you can have up to 10 items that can be added to a checklist. You can also add a weight to each item. This is certainly optional. And we recommend that the total weight adds up to a hundred because it just makes sense, a hundred percent. And if you choose to use those weights, you'll see here, those percentages will fill out. So on mine, since I don't have any weights assigned, it's just going to show 0%. You can always do an equal distribution of the weight if you'd like as well.

    The next thing we'll talk about is the order of the steps and the options you have for these, the most basic option is to have a linear workflow without any dependency. That means that one task is open, and then once that's marked complete, the next task is created. As I complete this first task order, one complete new account open form, the second task will be created as we mark the second task as complete. The third one will be kicked off.

    There are four other options for the order that you can use. We'll cover how to set these up in an article, but the options you have are: this Linear Steps with Dependency, you have Linear Steps without a Dependency where everything kicks off essentially simultaneously. The example would be that a second task would start immediately, after the first task has been created. This is recommended if numerous tasks needed to be assigned out at once where there's no subsequent dependencies. Third, we have a Branching Out to Parallel Steps with Dependency. So for example, task two and three will not start until the initial first task is completed. And then task two and three will be kicked off at the same time. The fourth option we have is Merge from Parallel Steps with a Dependency. So this means that task three will not start until both task one and two are completed. So for example, if your first task is an approval and your second task is a checklist, both of these will have to be completed until the third task is created. And then our final option would be Parallel Steps, Depending on Parallel Steps. Task one, and two have to be complete, and once those are complete, both task three and task four will be kicked off and started.

   The final thing that we have available on a workflow template is Associated Data. This is 100% optional. What it can do, is create fields within your task, that surface specific information, or look up details. In my example, here for account opening, I've added primary account holder associated data point with the details that say, please associate the contact and portfolio name or legal entity for the new account. What this does for each workflow would surface a contact and a portfolio name or legal entity on each task, so you can make sure that you're always referencing the right information. Looking at this in action, you can see I have on my task for complete new account opening form my primary account holder has a contact of Richard Bell and a portfolio of BD Capital Partners for this particular workflow.

    To review, we have five default workflows Account Opening - Standard, Client Onboarding - Standard, Deposit - Standard, Risk Tolerance Update, and Withdrawal - Standard. Any of these you can copy or adjust outright using them as a springboard for your ideas to your own custom workflows. We also talked about the components of a workflow template, including the general information on all our flow templates, what steps are, how you can have basic tasks or tasks that include checklists or approval steps. And then finally associated Data.

   We hope this video helps with an introduction to our Workflow Manager.

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