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Home > Engage Entity Configuration > Engage Features > Relationship Summary Report Video
Relationship Summary Report Video
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Take a look at the Relationship Summary Report!

Video Transcript

     Have you ever wished you could see a one pager about a client before a meeting? Has an advisor asked you for a printable sheet about a client and you've had to piece together that info from their relationship record? Now you don't have to.

     We've created a Relationship Summary Report and it shows you key points about a single Relationship. This info can be exported then in many different formats, including Word, PowerPoint, or even PDF. Let's take a look.

     I'm on the Nick and Catherine Rogers Relationship and to run the new Relationship Summary Report, I go to the menu bar, then click on more commands, run report, and then choose the Relationship Summary Report. It's going to pull in details about this Relationship and the information is real time, which means any changes I've just made to the Relationship will reflect in the report.

     Let's take a look at some of the details on this report. We have general information about the Relationship, including primary and secondary contacts, total market value, last touch information. We have a list of the Relationship Members, which are the direct contacts for this Relationship. We have a list of Connections and Centers of Influence for these clients. You have additional records like opportunities, important info, and the activities that have happened on this relationship recently. At the top of the page, you can choose to print or export into another format, and then you can print or incorporate into a presentation for your client.

     We hope this report is something that'll be useful for you and your firm.

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