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Dynamics 365 for phones app
Dynamics 365 for tablets app
About the App
Dynamics 365 for phones and Dynamics 365 for tablets are apps that you install on your mobile devices so that you can access Salentica Engage. Once you install the app and sign-in, you’ll automatically have access to all the apps you need for your role. Also, when there is an updated version of the app, you will receive a notification.
The first time you log in, you will need to make sure that you choose the correct App: Salentica Engage or Salentica Engage AM (if you use the Asset Management tools).
Navigating the App
The Basics
Site map: Open the menu and move between apps, get to your favorite and recently used records, access settings, and more.
Search: Search for all records in the app.
New: Create a new record and quickly enter almost any type of information into the system.
Search: Search for records in the current view.
Show Chart: Show the list of records in a chart view.
Task: Create a new task record.
More: Access more commands such as add activities, start a task flow, use the assistant, and more.
Search this view
When you're on a view, use the Search this View option to search the current view.
Site map
From the Home screen, select the site map to access entities, favorite or most-used records, other apps, and settings.
The following illustration shows the primary navigation elements on the site map screen.
App selector: Open this menu to close your app and switch to another app.
Home screen: Select this to go back to the Home screen.
Profile: Go to the Profile screen to sign out or reconfigure the app.
Recent records: View a list of records you were recently using.
Pinned records: View and open your favorite (pinned) records.
Entity navigator: This area lists the entity available in the app.
Help: Access help content for more information about how to use the app.
Offline status: Work with your data in offline mode, even when you don't have internet access. More information: Work offline on your mobile device
Settings: Access settings.
Change views
From the Home screen, select the down arrow next to the current view, and then select a new view.
Add a record quickly
From the Home screen, select New .
Fill in the fields, and then select Save.
After the record is created, you can view the new record.
To save and open the record that you created, select More , and then select Save and Open.
To save and create another record, select More , and then select Save and Create new.
Edit a record
From the Home screen, open a record that you want to edit.
When you're done editing the record, select Save. To cancel your changes, select Discard.
Back to the Home screen
- To get back to the Home screen when you're in a record, select Back .
- At any point, press and hold Back to go back to the Home screen.
Sign out
From the site map , select the profile icon , and then select Sign out.