Occasionally, you will create a record for something that, after the fact, you realize it already exists in your CRM. For example, you search for Dan Taylor, don't find a contact, and create a new contact for the Gump Relationship. Later on, you realize that there is already a "Daniel Taylor" contact in your CRM. Now, since you have been using both records, you need to merge these records as not to lose any information about these Contacts that are the same person. We can merge records on three entity types: Relationships, Contacts, and Leads. When you do merge records, any related or child records will also be merged.
- Select the duplicate records
- Click Merge
- In the Merge Records dialog box, select the master record, and then select the fields to merge into the master record. See additional notes about the fields below.
- Click OK
- The records have now been merged and the old record is deactivated.
Notes about merging records:
- You can choose to select all fields with data (at the bottom of the merge dialog box). If you choose to do this, and both records have data in the same field, the master record field will be selected.
- All Activities and Connections on both records will be merged into the master record. This means that if there are activities on both records, it is possible that the activities will be duplicated on the new record.
- The master record will inherit all of the subordinate record's child records. The subordinate record will be deactivated.