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Connections on Engage
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What is a Connection? 

In Engage, connections and connection roles play a crucial role in managing relationships between records. Connections help establish links between different entities, enabling users to track and understand relationships more effectively.

Note: The image above shows an example of connections located on and tied to a related relationship record.

Overall Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Connections and connection roles provide a visual representation of relationships, enhancing data visibility.
  2. Improved Reporting: Utilize connected data for better reporting and analytics.
  3. Efficient Collaboration: Streamline collaboration by understanding the roles each record plays in a relationship.


Example 1: Connecting Contacts with Opportunities Suppose you have a contact who is influencing an opportunity. You can create a connection between the contact and the opportunity and specify the connection role as "Influencer."

Example 2: Establishing Partner Relationships Connect two account records to represent a partnership. Use connection roles like "Partner" to distinguish the nature of the relationship.


Overall, connections represent relationships between records in Engage. They can link various entities, such as relationships, contacts, opportunities, and more. For instance, you might want to connect a contact with an opportunity or link a relationship with a contact that has some type of association with it, such as a client's accountant.


How to Create a Connection:

  1. Navigate to the desired record (e.g., Relationship, Contact).
  2. Open the record and locate the "Connections" tab on the related record reference panel.
  3. Click on the ellipses to access more commands.
  4. Select + New Connection and choose the type of record you want to connect and specify the related record.

Note: The images above show an example of creating a connection to connect two different records together. In this example, we connected the Chris and Amanda Adams relationship to the Aimee Adams contact as a subsequent beneficiary. 

Connection Roles

Connection Roles define the nature of the relationship between two connected records. They help categorize connections and provide insights into the role each record plays in the relationship. Common connection roles include "Stakeholder," "Consultant," and "Investor."


How to Create Connection Roles:

  1. Follow the above steps for "How to Create a Connection". 
  2. Select the "As this role" field and choose the + New Connection Role option at the bottom.
  3. Populate your specified data to create the new custom connection role for your CRM.


Note: You'll need to create the new connection role by giving it a basic name, selecting which connection role category it should be a part of, and adding a description. 

Altogether, connections and connection roles in Engage empower users to manage and comprehend complex relationships within their data, fostering efficient collaboration and informed decision-making.

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