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Home > Engage Deals > Investments on Deals
Investments on Deals
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Investments allows you to track your existing non-marketable assets. These can be assets such as mergers and acquisitions of other firms, or capital investments such as real estate, a book of business, or intellectual property. Track Time/Expense, Related Companies, InTouch Service Levels, and Activities such as phone calls, meetings, emails, and tasks, and Due Diligence, all in one place, for your Investments. 

Where can I see Investments?

To access Investments go to Menu > Clients > Investments. You will see a list of Investments - Investment Pipeline, which is filtered to show Deals related records, or other views that you or your firm create. Each view is searchable, sortable, and filterable. To view specific details of a company, click the Name.

What's in Investments?

Investments Menu

  • Summary
  • Due Diligence
  • Details
  • Notes
  • Contacts
  • Administrative
  • Related


Investment Summary


  • Name
  • Investment Pipeline Type
  • Investment Age ðŸ”‘
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • NDA
  • NDA Expiration Date


  • Expenses (YTD) ðŸ”‘
  • Time - Hour (YTD) ðŸ”‘
  • Average Cost Per Hour (YTD) ðŸ”‘
  • Efficiency Ratio (YTD) ðŸ”‘
  • Expenses (12M) ðŸ”‘
  • Time - Hour (12M) ðŸ”‘
  • Average Cost Per Hour (12M) ðŸ”‘
  • Efficiency Ratio (12M) ðŸ”‘


Referral Details

  • Referred By
  • Referral Note


Related Companies

  • Related Companies can be associated to the Investment here. This may be the original owner of the Investment.

Investment Team

  • Investment Manager
  • Associate


Last InTouch


  • Last Email ðŸ”‘
  • Last Conversation ðŸ”‘
  • Last Review ðŸ”‘


Next InTouch


  • Next Email
  • Next Conversation
  • Next Review


Client Service


  • Ranking
  • Investment Health
  • InTouch Service Level

Reference Panel

  • Important Information
  • Investment Members
  • Connections
  • Time/Expense
  • Investment Opportunity/s

Activities Plus

  • Underlying Activities

Due Diligence

Allows tracking of key documents and data points in reference to this Company. Includes categories for:

  • Legal
  • Wealth Management
  • Compliance
  • Direct Investment




  • Valuation
    • Gross Margin 5 yr Avg %
    • Gross Margin (TTM) %
    • LTM Revenue
    • NTM Revenue




  • Notes about the Investment in chronological order by default.




  • Relationship Members
  • Relationship Contact Preferences
  • Connections



  • Records Details
    • Created On ðŸ”‘
    • Created By ðŸ”‘
    • Modified On ðŸ”‘
    • Modified By ðŸ”‘
    • Record Owner
    • Currency
    • Review Frequency ðŸ”‘
    • Originating Lead ðŸ”‘
    • Use Address From
    • Include in Rollup
  • External ID's
    • External ID 🔑
    • Portal Client ID
    • Portfolio System Client ID


🔑 - Field is calculated, cannot be updated manually.





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