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Distribution Teams
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Distribution Teams can be set up under Distribution Channels to uniquely identify groups under the channel. They are a way to further segment the prospect/client base you target your products to. Each Distribution Team can be tracked under a different stage of the sales process (Prospect > Active > Terminated). Track the necessary details on your Distribution Teams, including aggregated information, contacts, and Activities such as emails, phone calls, and meetings.

Where can I find Distribution Teams?

To access Distribution Teams, select Menu> Firms>Distribution Teams. You can choose to view All Distribution Teams, Active, Prospect, and Terminated Distribution Teams, or any views you or your firm create. To see the specific details of a Distribution Team, select the Name.

What's in a Distribution Team?

Distribution Team Lifecycle

  • Prospect
  • Active
  • Terminated

Distribution Team Details

  • Team Name
  • Firm ðŸ”‘
  • Distribution Channel
  • Relationship Manager
  • Primary Contact
  • InTouch Service Level
  • Email Frequency ðŸ”‘
  • Conversation Frequency ðŸ”‘
  • Total Market Value ðŸ”‘
  • Number of Open Investor Accounts ðŸ”‘
  • Average Investor Account Size ðŸ”‘
  • Valuation Date ðŸ”‘
  • Share of Distribution Channel Assets ðŸ”‘
  • Share of Firm Assets ðŸ”‘

Last InTouch

  • Last Email ðŸ”‘
  • Last conversation ðŸ”‘

Next InTouch

  • Next Email
  • Next conversation

Aggregated Information

  • Contributions, Withdrawals, Investor accounts Opened, and Investor Accounts Closed for the following periods:
  • YTD ðŸ”‘
  • Rolling 12M ðŸ”‘
  • Inception to Date ðŸ”‘

Reference Panel

  • Contacts
  • Investor Accounts
  • Strategies
  • Products
  • Contributions
  • Withdrawals
  • Time/Expense


  • Underlying Activities


  • Created On ðŸ”‘
  • Created By ðŸ”‘
  • Modified On ðŸ”‘
  • Modified By ðŸ”‘
  • Owner
  • Include in Rollup (Yes/No)
  • Currency

🔑 - Field is calculated, cannot be updated manually.


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