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Home > Asset Management on Salentica Engage > Relationships on Asset Management
Relationships on Asset Management
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Relationships are one of the main entities in Engage. Relationships represent a group of Portfolios, a list of Investor Accounts, and associated Relationship Contacts.  They can also represent an institutional client or business that is a center of influence.  It is a hub with connections to other Engage entities such as Portfolios, Investor Accounts, Activities (Emails, Tasks, Meeting Notes) regarding the relationship, and Contacts related to the relationships and other interested parties. A Relationship usually has attributes like Primary and Secondary Contacts, Connections, a Relationship Team, valuation information, and important dates such as the Relationship Start Date and Last Contacted On.

How do I see Relationships?

To access Relationships, go to Menu > Clients > Relationships. You can choose to view your Active Relationships, All Relationships, or other views you or your firm create. Each of these views is searchable, sortable, and filterable. You can also view charts that are associated with the Relationship lists. To see specific details about a relationship, select the Relationship Name.

What's in a Relationship?

Relationship Menu

Tabs of information associated with the Relationship

  • Summary
  • Investor Account
  • Contacts
  • Addresses
  • Notes
  • Administrative
  • Related


  • Name
  • Relationship Type
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Relationship Age 🔑

Investor Accounts

  • Investor Account details


  • Relationship Members
  • Relationship Contact Preferences
  • Connections


  • Primary Address
  • Map
  • More Addresses


  • Underlying Note about the Relationship.
  • Notes allow attachments and show in chronological order by default.


  • Created On 🔑
  • Created By 🔑
  • Modified On 🔑
  • Modified By 🔑
  • Record Owner
  • Currency
  • Review Frequency 🔑
  • Originating Lead 🔑
  • Use Address from
  • Include in Rollup (Yes/No)
  • External ID 🔑 
  • Portal Client ID 
  • Portfolio System Client ID


Relationship Team

  • Relationship Manager
  • Associate


  • Advisor
  • Firm
  • Distribution Channel
  • Distribution Team

Aggregation Information

  • Valuation
    • Total Market Value 🔑
    • Number of Open Accounts 🔑
    • Valuation Date 🔑
  • Contributions, Withdrawals, Accounts Opened and Accounts Closed for the following time periods:
    • YTD 🔑
    • Rolling 12M 🔑
    • Inception to Date 🔑

Primary Contacts

  • Primary Contact
  • Email 🔑
  • Business Phone 🔑
  • Mobile Phone 🔑
  • Secondary Contact
  • Email 🔑
  • Business Phone 🔑
  • Mobile Phone 🔑

Referral Details

  • Referred By
  • Referral Note

InTouch Details

  • Last InTouch 🔑
  • Next InTouch

🔑 - Field is calculated, cannot be updated manually.


A fully customizable part of the Relationship entity, the Header includes top information about the Relationship that your System Administrator had indicated to be vital to your Relationship. By default, our Header includes loaded information (Primary Contact), information received daily from your Portfolio Management System (Total Market Value), and calculated information based on activities (Relationship Age & Last Touch Date).

Activities Plus

Under Activities, you can create new activities that already have the Relationship information prepopulated, and track previous activities for the Relationship and their status. It is recommended that you track all Activities on the Relationship. 

Default Activities include:

  • Client Review Meeting
  • Meeting Note
  • Phone Call
  • Task

Reference Panel

The Reference Panel quickly summarizes all your needed information about the relationship. This includes:

  • Important Information
  • Investor Accounts
  • Relationship Members
  • Connections
  • Time/Expense
  • Client Reporting

From this panel, you can edit key Relationship details, view in compact or expanded detail information about the Relationship, and export the information to Excel.

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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