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Update Flow Status to On
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Occasionally, you will need to make sure that Flows within your Solutions are adjusted from Off to On. The following steps show you how to confirm the Flow Status, and adjust them to make sure they are On.

1. Log in to or go to the App selector and select Power Apps. 

2. Select the appropriate environment. Usually, you will be making changes to your sandbox or production environment rather than the default environment. 

3. Select Solutions. 

4. Click into the Solution Name. This will show you a list of flows included in the Solution. In the furthest right column, you will see Status, which will display On or Off.

5. Click on the flow name that has the status of Off. 

6. Click Edit. 

7. Verify the connections that should be used for the Flow. If none are present, they can be created here.

8. Click Continue when finished. 

9. Click Save. 

10. Select the Back Arrow to go back to the Flow

11. Click Turn On to adjust the Status from Off to On 


12. You can confirm the Flow status is On at this point:

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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