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Deposit - Standard Workflow Template
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The Deposit - Standard workflow is a three-task process that is resolved once the deposit has been confirmed, and all three tasks have been tagged as completed.

Relationship Team members required in this workflow: Relationship Manager & Client Service Associate 

Step 1: 

First task is created, called "Evaluate Client Portfolio", and it is assigned to the Relationship Manager. This task is designed to indicate a deposit has been made and alert the Relationship Manager to review the client's portfolio to determine the new allocation of the cash.

  • Description: Review client's portfolio to determine how cash should be invested
  • Due Date: 1 business day
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Task Type: Review Client Details

Step 2: 

Second task is created, called "Initiate Invest Cash Activity", and is assigned to the Relationship Manager. Based on your firm's processes, this task is created to indicate the cash deposit is ready for investment and general steps to start investing the funds should begin.

  • Description: Initiate Invest Cash Activity and Execute corresponding trades
  • Due Date: 3 business days
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Task Type: Update Custodian

Step 3:

Third task is created, called "Confirm Completion of Client's Deposit", and it is assigned to the Client Service Associate. This step indicates that the client service associate should confirm the client's deposit and that CRM has been updated to reflect the deposit notes. Once confirmed that all three tasks are completed, the workflow status will update to Complete.

  • Description: Initiate Invest Cash Activity and Execute corresponding trades
  • Due Date: 3 business days
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Task Type: Client Service
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