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Business Units
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A Business Unit is a logical grouping of related business activities. For Engage clients, many of our firms use Business Units to delineate different advisor offices. 

If your firm is structured so that you have separate products, customers, and marketing lists, you might want to create business units. Users can securely access data in their own business unit, but they can’t access data in other business units.

Watch this short video on Business Units in Engage!


Business units, security roles, and users are linked together to create a role-based security model. Use business units together with security roles to control data access so people see just the information they need to do their jobs.


Keep the following in mind when creating business units:

  • The organization (also known as the root business unit) is the top level of a business unit hierarchy. Engage automatically creates your organization. You can’t change or delete the organization name.

  • Each business unit can have just one parent business unit.

  • Each business unit can have multiple child business units.

  • Security roles and users are associated with a business unit. You must assign every user to one (and only one) business unit.

  • You can assign a team to just one business unit, but a team can consist of users from one or many business units. Consider using a team if you have a situation where users from different business units need to work together on a shared set of records.

Create a new business unit

These settings can be found in the Power Platform admin center by going to Environments > [select an environment] > Settings > Users + permissions > Business units.

You must have the System Administrator security role or equivalent permissions to update the setting.

  1. Go to Advanced Settings Settings > System > Security.

  2. On the Actions bar, select New.

  3. In the Business Unit dialog box, type a name for the new business unit. Engage automatically fills in the Parent Business field with the name of the root business unit.

  4. If you want to change the parent business unit, select the Lookup button (Lookup button), Look Up More Records, and then do one of the following:

    • Select an existing business unit from the list.

    • Create a new parent business unit:

      1. Choose New, and then add the information for the new parent business unit in the Business Unit dialog box.

      2. When you’re done adding information, select Save and Close.

      3. In the Look Up Record dialog box, select Add.

  5. In the Business Unit dialog box, fill in any of the other optional fields.

  6. When you’re done making entries, select Save and Close.

Change the settings for a business unit

  1. Go to Advanced Settings Settings > System > Security.

  2. Select a business unit name.

  3. In the Business Unit dialog box, do one or more of the following:

    • Modify the data in one or more fields.

    • Select a record type under Organization to see a list of related records. For example, select Users to view a list of users in the selected business unit.

  4. When you’re done making changes select Save and Close.

Change the business unit for a user

 Important: By changing the business unit for a user, you remove all security role assignments for the user. At least one security role must be assigned to the user in the new business unit.

  1. Go to Advanced Settings Settings > System > Security.

  2. Click Users.

  3. Select a user name.

  4. Select Change Business Unit (Note, it might be on the More Commands () menu).

  5. In the Change Business Unit dialog box, use the Lookup button (Lookup button) to select a new business unit, and then select OK.

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Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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