Addepar is a wealth management platform that specializes in data aggregation, analytics, and performance reporting. Addepar consolidates and unifies all your data so you can easily analyze any portfolio, provide clients with a more complete and meaningful financial picture and offer the best possible advice.
Accessing Addepar from Within Engage
You don't have to leave Engage to see Addepar information. Log into Addepar, in context, from Engage. When the component is added to the page layout, a login prompt will authenticate directly to Addepar. The financial account-level SSO button will take you to view the selected account.
Note: Your Addepar data remains secure! This button is not a federated authentication, therefore users will need to enter their credentials to access Addepar. Credentials are user-specific. Security permissions are inherited from Addepar; if the user is not permissioned to view the account in Addepar, they will not be able to access the records through the SSO button.
Daily Bulk Data Load Setup
A daily process runs to bring in firm-level persistent data from Addepar. The firm-level login uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization methodology to access Addepar. No credentials are stored in Data Broker.
Currently, Addepar requires a firm administrator (client user) to log into Addepar, navigate to Firm Administration → Third-party Integrations and approve OAuth access for their users for the Salentica CRM integration to run correctly. If this is not done prior to running the integration for the first time, you will see an error message similar to the one below:
See below for the data points included in the daily bulk data load.
Q: When does data update in Engage?
A: Generally, we recommend scheduling the bulk data Data Broker run after 11:00 am eastern standard time, once the Addepar daily reconciliation is complete. Running the process earlier will likely result in loading stale data into the CRM. If you need to adjust the scheduled time, please enter a support ticket and we can walk you through how to make this update.
Q: What data points are available from Addepar?
Please keep in mind, that all of these data points might not be mapped into Engage, and we frequently update the data points that are available. Currently, the integration is only one way: Addepar to the CRM. No data currently travels from the CRM to Addepar.
Q: The bulk data load ran, but my data is still stale. How can I get it updated?
A: Addepar allows a single data query in a 24-hour period. If the daily data load ran prior to Addepar's reconciliation completion, the data will be stale; any subsequent requests will only load the same data. You will need to enter a support ticket so that we can clear the initial query and run a new data load.
Please keep in mind, that all of these data points might not be mapped into Engage, and we frequently update the data points that are available. Currently, the integration is only one way: Addepar to the CRM. No data currently travels from the CRM to Addepar.
Q: How are the data points matched from Addepar to the CRM?
A: For the recurring daily data loads, records are matched between Addepar and the CRM utilizing a unique identifier. In the case a record lacks the unique ID, a match will be attempted as follows:
For Relationships:
Relationship Name (exact match)
For Portfolios:
Portfolio Code (exact match)
For Financial Accounts:
Custodian and Account Number (custodian)--if no match then, PMS Account Number (portfolio accounting system)
Any non-matching records (portfolio, financial account) will be added to the "Unidentified Relationship" relationship in the CRM or "Undefined Person" for SFDC with Persons accounts enabled.
Additionally, Addepar allows for multiple groupings of portfolios and accounts. If the primary hierarchal grouping is not the Household/Relationship in Addepar, our current suggestion is to only map portfolios and financial accounts, and manually map to the appropriate Household/Relationship in the CRM.
Q: Can I exclude specific records from the integration?
A: Yes, Addepar will allow for the exclusion of household, portfolio, and financial accounts from being read by Data Broker. A custom field is required to mark the data points as excluded. The custom field is created on Addepar under Attributes. Create a new Attribute named 'ExcludeFromSalentica.' Ensure the default value is 'No.' Please check with your Addepar resources for an up-to-date process for creating this field, and work with your Implementation Consultant or CRM Support Team to ensure proper setup, or to exclude an entire record type.
Q: How do I request new data points?
A: We are constantly working with our partners to create deeper integrations. If there is a data point that you would like to have brought into the CRM, first check with Addepar to see if it is currently available. If it is available, reach out to the Service Team to see if we pull in that data, and how to map it into CRM.