What are Sponsorships?
If you’re lucky enough to have partners who work with you on your marketing campaigns, you can use Sponsorships to track the event associated with the campaign and the associated Sponsor. This allows you to track sponsor details for your marketing events. You can track the Company/Organization, status of sponsorship, expected dates, amount, attendee account and more details. You can track multiple events per sponsor.
How do I see Sponsorships?
To access your Sponsorships List, you will go to Menu > Marketing > Sponsorships. This shows the list of existing Sponsorships, defaulting to Active Sponsors. You can choose to view Inactive Sponsorships or other lists that have been created by you or your firm. Each of these lists are searchable, sortable, and filterable. To choose a specific Sponsorship to view the details, click on the Sponsorship subject to open the Sponsorship entity.
- Sponsorships: the menu ribbon at the top of the page includes Save, Create new Sponsorship, Export, etc.
- Views: Choose a view to access information about Sponsorships. You can pin an existing List, or create your own.
- Sponsorships & List: Based on your view and filters see a list of your Sponsorships.
- Columns: Add or remove columns from your view.
- Filter: Add Filters to your Sponsorship list.
- Search: Search your view for specific Sponsorships.
Another useful way to view your Sponsorships is on the Campaign record.
What’s in a Sponsorship?
Sponsorship Name
- Display name of the Sponsorship
- Name
- Owner
- Company/Org
- Expected Start Date
- Expected End Date
- Sponsorship Status
- Sponsorship Amount
- Sponsorship Details
- Confirmed Sponsprs
- Confirmed Sponsor Attendees Counsel
Sponsored Events
- Display any linked Campaigns and Campaign templates