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Marketing - Quick Campaign
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Create a Quick Campaign

Send an e-mail blast to customers who fit a specific demographic, a mail campaign to clients in a specific region, or perhaps a phone call campaign to previous buyers of a particular product by using a quick campaign in Engage Marketing. A quick campaign is a single campaign activity geared toward a targeted audience. Track the success of your quick campaign through campaign responses, and convert the positive responses into new leads or opportunities.


If you need to perform more than one activity for your campaign, such as an email blast and a mailing, create a new Campaign instead. More information: 316

  1. Go to Marketing > Marketing Lists

  2. Open a record, and then in the Quick Campaigns area, select New Quick Campaign

  3. In the Quick Campaign Wizard, read the instructions on the Welcome page, and select Next

  4. Specify a name for the quick campaign.                                                                       

  5. Select the type of activity you want to create.                                                                          

    You can also select who you want Engage Marketing to assign the activity to and whether Engage Marketing should perform the activity automatically for appropriate activities, such as sending email messages. For example, if you are creating a phone call activity for all the sales representatives, you can select the phone call activity, and then select The owners of the records that are included in the quick campaign. Each sales representative can then see the activity and take action on it. However, if you are creating a large number of email activities that Engage Marketing will perform automatically, you can assign the email activity to yourself instead of the record owners.

  6. Add or change information in the text boxes in the activity form, and select Next

  7. Select Create.                                                                                                                                

     Note: You can't add records to a quick campaign after you create it.

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